Object-Oriented Programming with Python
3 full-days
Object-Oriented Programming with Python
Course Topics
Choosing an IDE
Considerations when choosing the best programming environment for your needs.
Limitations of Jupyter Notebooks when building applications for production
Procedural Python
A quick refresher of procedural Python programming using functions, and managing code that spans multiple files.
Managing data with Collection objects
Classes and Objects
Concepts behind object-oriented programming
When it's appropriate to use Object-Oriented Programming
Build simple applications that utilise classes, objects, methods and properties.
Connecting to a Database
In this module, we'll build an OOP Python program that connects to a database, and performs CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete).
Consuming an API
In this module, we'll write an OOP Python program that consumes a simple API.
Error Handling
Learn how to catch errors and deal with them gracefully.
Unit Tests
This module teaches the concepts behind Test Driven Development, using Python and OOP.
Learn how to write unit tests for your Python programs
Deploying code and Managing Virtual Environments
Making sure that your Python code runs on another machine can be tricky. In this section, you'll learn how to solve this problem with a virtual environment.
Managing dependencies and preparing for deployment - It's one thing to build a Python program that runs on your own computer, quite another to ensure that the same code works after being deployed to a server.
Learn how to set up virtual environments to manage libraries that have been installed using pip.
Code Kata
Code Katas provide an opportunity to reflect on how you write code, and to look for ways to improve.
You'll be given a challenge to complete.
Starting with a clean slate, you'll attempt the same challenge again.
Reflect on how you were able to improve your code between attempts.
Present your code to your team, and discuss the improvements that you made. Compare and contrast different approaches taken by your colleagues.