An Introduction to Linux
3 full-days
An Introduction to Linux
Course Topics
Introduction to Linux
History of GNU/Linux
Selecting an operating system, and flavours of Linux
Understanding Open Source and Software Licences
Linux Environments
Linux Environments
Desktop Environments e.g. Gnome, Cinnamon, Xfce
Shell Environments e.g Bash, C, Korn, Zsh
The Linux Subsystem for Windows
SSH - Connecting to a Linux Computer
What is Secure Shell (SSH)?
Making connections using username and password
Making connections using public/private keys
Managing Files
Getting to know the command line by:
navigating the file system
creating files
editing files
moving and copying files
deleting files
renaming files
setting file and directory permissions
creating a symbolic link
Understanding The Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS)
Managing permissions
Managing file and folder permissions
Elevating privileges Sudo / Root / Super User
Managing Users and Groups
Changing your password
Searching, Extracting and Archiving Data
Using regular expressions
Searching for and extracting data
Redirecting input and output
Redirection and Pipes
Compression and Archiving
Managing programs and processes
Running applications in foreground/background
finding running applications
killing processes
Package Managers
Installing software using common package managers, and understanding the differences between them.
Scheduling and Services
Introduction to cron
Creating and Managing a Service
Shell Scripting
Creating and running simple Bash shell scripts